How Mental Illness Can Affect Our Coping Mechanisms.

(image: Unsplash)

Coping mechanisms are strategies that people use or develop in order to deal with, or avoid dealing with, difficult and stressful emotions or situations. Whilst some people may use exercise, a healthy diet or meditation as a way to process difficult feelings, it can be very easy to fall into unhealthy habits instead, especially if we have pre-existing mental health conditions.  

For example, those who have suffered with eating disorders may automatically fall back into restrictive eating habits or fall into a pattern of binge eating when life gets difficult. Whilst we can easily beat ourselves up for not ‘handling things’ in a healthy and productive manner, it’s important to remember that coping mechanisms serve an instinctive purpose. In times of stress, we seek comfort and safety. On a biochemical level, unhealthy coping mechanisms are serving that purpose.  

That doesn’t mean we should allow them to continue, however. Part of overcoming mental illness is learning how to cope in healthy ways that serve a higher purpose for you long term. Here, we will take a closer look at how mental illness can affect our coping mechanisms, and how you can learn to shift your unhealthy coping habits into more helpful ones. 

Why mental illness makes us vulnerable 

Mental illnesses come in a wide variety, and each person will experience them slightly differently to the next. But essentially, mental illness means that our brains aren’t working exactly how they should. This can warp our perception, and make us feel more anxious, stressed, insecure and prone to depression than we would be otherwise. 

When we are stressed, we seek instant comfort. Our brains instinctively drive us to seek the quickest fix and push us to run away from our cause of stress. This is why when you are really, really hungry, all you want to do is eat sugary foods such as chocolate – your body knows that’s the quickest fix for its hunger, even though you know consciously that it’s not the healthiest option. 

For people with mental illness, this stress response can trigger a repetition of a familiar pattern of negative behaviour that instantly soothes or avoids the initial problem, but also creates bigger issues long term. 

Recognise your behaviour 

It’s important to recognise when we are relying on unhelpful coping mechanisms to avoid facing stress, as they can lead to more serious mental and physical problems. If you are fixating on something that is not going to help you long term, such as obsessive cleaning, isolating yourself from family and friends, or abusing alcohol, you need to consciously recognise the signs that your habits are not serving you. 

You may find it helpful to write down the root causes of your negative habits, and commit to facing the problems head on instead of allowing them to cause you further problems. Talking to someone you trust can be a massive help and relief, and can help you springboard yourself into a better place mentally. 

Make small changes 

Often when our mental health is low, we can feel overwhelmed by the thought of fixing everything. Remember, your perception is magnified when you are struggling mentally, so everything will seem worse and harder than it truly is. Being kind to yourself and committing to changing just one small habit at a time can be really helpful in focusing on what you can achieve – one step at a time.  

Speaking to a health professional can be an intimidating thought, but sometimes it is necessary in order for us to make profound changes to our health and wellbeing. There is no shame in asking for help, and you are not alone. By recognising when our coping mechanisms are beginning to be less than healthy, we can make the choice to improve them. 

This article is written by a freelance writer.

Taking Care of Your Mental Health When Living Alone: by Anita Ginsburg.

(image: Unsplash)

Living alone can be an amazing experience. You get to enjoy your own company, have complete control over your home, and create your own unique environment. However, it’s not all sunshine and rainbows. Living alone can also be lonely, isolating, and downright scary at times. It’s even more challenging when we’re going through something that affects our mental health. In this blog post, we’ll discuss some practical tips for taking care of your mental health when living alone.

Create a Routine

One of the biggest challenges of living alone is that we don’t have anyone else to be accountable for. We can sleep all day, watch Netflix all night, and neglect our responsibilities without any immediate consequences. This can lead to a lack of structure and routine, which can have a negative impact on our mental health. Creating a simple routine can help provide some structure to your day and give you a sense of purpose. Start by defining what your day should look like from the moment you wake up until the moment you go to bed. This doesn’t have to be complicated – it can be as simple as waking up at the same time every day, doing some exercise in the morning, working for a few hours, and then taking some leisure time in the afternoon.

Stay Connected

Living alone can be incredibly lonely, especially if you’ve recently moved to a new city or lost touch with friends and family. Social connections are essential for our mental health, so it’s important to stay connected with others in any way possible. Calling or texting friends and family, joining a virtual book club, or connecting with others on social media can all help alleviate feelings of loneliness and isolation.

Create a Comfortable and Safe Home Environment

Living alone can also be scary sometimes, especially if you’ve had negative experiences in the past. It’s important to create a comfortable and safe home environment that you enjoy spending time in. This can include things like decorating your apartment with things that make you happy, investing in a security system, and ensuring that your doors and windows are locked at all times. Feeling comfortable and secure in your home can help alleviate anxiety and stress.

Take Care of Your Physical Health

Taking care of your physical health is crucial for your mental health, especially when living alone. When we don’t have anyone else to motivate us or remind us, it’s easy to fall into unhealthy habits. Eating a balanced diet, getting enough sleep, and exercising regularly can all help improve your mental health.

Seek Professional Help if Necessary

Lastly, if you’re struggling with your mental health, don’t hesitate to seek professional help. Living alone can be challenging, but it’s important to remember that you’re not alone. There are many resources available to help you cope with mental health challenges, including therapy, a psychiatrist, support groups, and hotlines. Don’t be afraid to reach out for help if you need it.

Living alone can be an amazing experience, but it’s important to take care of your mental health when living solo. Creating a routine, staying connected with others, creating a comfortable and safe home environment, taking care of your physical health, and seeking professional help if necessary can all help alleviate mental health challenges. Remember, you’re not alone – there are many resources available to help support you on your mental health journey. So, take care of yourself and enjoy the independence and freedom that comes with living alone.

Anita Ginsburg is a freelance writer form the USA.

5 Effective Strategies To Manage Stress As An Entrepreneur.

(image: Radu Florin, Unsplash)

We all know that being an entrepreneur comes with its fair share of exhilarating highs and daunting lows. The constant pressure to innovate, meet deadlines, lead, and overcome obstacles can take a toll on our mental and emotional wellbeing. 

This is where stress management comes into play. It is important for entrepreneurs to manage their stress, as stress can affect creativity, energy and judgement. If you are an entrepreneur who needs guidance with stress management, read these five effective strategies below: 

Strategy 1: Prioritise Self Care

Self-care is anything you do to take care of yourself – mentally and physically. By taking care of yourself, you promote relaxation. Although relaxation cannot take your stress away entirely, it sure helps. 

Self-care can come in the form of walking around the block, meditating in your garden, taking a warm bath, or even picking up your guitar and pulling some strings. 

To prioritise self-care, you must set up a self-care routine and stick to it; for example, every day after work, set aside an hour for meditation. 

Strategy 2: Delegate And Outsource

As an entrepreneur, you might be used to doing everything independently. It is after all the hard work that got you to the point of owning a business. But you do not have to do everything anymore. 

An overload of work causes an overload of stress, so start delegating and outsourcing tasks – it can be anything from delegating administrative tasks to outsourcing Content Marketing

To give you peace of mind, find trustworthy people to handle these tasks for you. Hire the right team members and research and compare outsourcing partners to ensure you have the best. 

Strategy 3: Improve Your Time Management Skills

Time management is a word that often gets entrepreneurs running in the opposite direction. It can seem like an insurmountable task to take on, especially when so many responsibilities come with running a business. 

However, time management is essential for handling your stress. To better your time management skills, create a to-do list, set up a time-blocking system, and prioritise your daily tasks. 

Luckily this is the modern age, so you can use many online time management tools – Trello or Asana are just two of them. So please don’t let stress get the best of you just because your day is filled with tasks; utilise these tools! 

Strategy 4: Develop A Support Network

People need people, no matter their personality. If you are going through a tough time, reach out to your family members, your friends, or even a trusted business partner/employee. 

Talking about how you are feeling is known to reduce stress because it gives you an outlet to vent. 

So leverage the support of those closest to you; you will be surprised at how much better you feel. 

Strategy 5: Adopt Stress Reduction Techniques

Stress reduction techniques are daily practices you can implement to help reduce your stress. Popular stress reduction techniques include deep breathing exercises, visualisation, and journalling. 

Deep breathing exercises can help you relax by focusing on controlled, long breaths that slowly move in and out of your body. Visualisation involves visualising a calming scene or activity, such as a beach or a walk in the park. And journaling your thoughts and feelings can provide an outlet for difficult emotions. 

You can always contact a professional if you’re unsure about these techniques. They have the necessary skills and knowledge to teach you how to effectively use each technique. 

Start innovating, meeting deadlines, leading and overcoming obstacles with a healthy mindset.

By following these five effective stress management strategies, you will be an unstoppable entrepreneur! 

This article was written by a freelance writer,.

Exciting News- We Are A Vuelio Top 10 UK Mental Health Blog Again!

Thanks to our friends at Vuelio, who not only ranked as again as a Top 10 UK Mental Health blog which is amazing- but included this little blog in the top 5!!

This is our highest ranking and I am so honoured. Thanks to all the writers and business/brands we work with too for their hard work in creating content.

This blog is in its 7th year now and can’t wait to see what the next year will bring. This is particularly special as this week is Mental Health Awareness Week too. The aim of this blog is to provide information to help people feel less alone and to dispell any myths of stigmas around mental illness.

Well done to all on this list and all the fab mental health bloggers out there.

You can see the list here:

Thank you Vuelio team!

Eleanor x

How To Safely Treat An Eating Disorder by Lizzie Weakley.

(image: Annie Spratt: Unsplash)

Eating disorders are complex mental health conditions that require a multi-dimensional approach to treatment. They can affect people of all ages, genders, races, and backgrounds, causing severe emotional and physical distress if left untreated. The good news is that there are many safe and effective treatment options available to those struggling with eating disorders. This article will explore some of the most effective ways to safely treat an eating disorder, including therapy, medication, nutrition counselling, and support groups.

Eating Disorder Treatment Therapy

One of the most important aspects of care is eating disorder treatment therapy. There are different types of therapy available to those struggling with an eating disorder, such as cognitive-behavioural therapy (CBT), dialectical behaviour therapy (DBT), and family-based therapy (FBT). These therapies can help individuals identify and change distorted thoughts and behaviours around food, body image, and weight. CBT is particularly effective in treating individuals with anorexia nervosa and bulimia nervosa, while DBT can help those struggling with binge eating disorder and emotional dysregulation. FBT is a family-based approach to treating eating disorders in adolescents and children, which focuses on empowering the family to help the individual recover.


Medication may also be prescribed to individuals with eating disorders, particularly those with comorbid conditions such as anxiety or depression that are affecting their recovery. Antidepressants can help reduce symptoms of depression or anxiety, while antipsychotics may be prescribed for those with severe symptoms of body dysmorphia, or the distorted belief that their body is flawed. However, medication should be used alongside therapy and other forms of treatment, and under the close supervision of a medical professional.

Nutrition Counselling

Nutrition counseling can be an important part of eating disorder treatment, particularly for those with severe malnutrition or gastrointestinal problems. A registered dietitian can help individuals create a balanced and customized meal plan, learn about appropriate portions, and manage food fears and weight concerns. Nutrition counseling may also include education around mindful eating, intuitive eating, and healthy coping mechanisms. However, it is important to note that nutrition counseling alone is not sufficient for treating eating disorders.

Support Groups

Support groups can be a valuable resource for individuals struggling with eating disorders, as they provide a safe and non-judgmental environment for sharing experiences and gaining support. They can be particularly beneficial for those who cannot afford or access individual therapy, or who prefer a group format. Local and online support groups are available, and many are free or low-cost. Support groups can also provide a sense of community and belonging, which can be helpful in reducing feelings of isolation and loneliness.

Eating disorders can be devastating, but there is hope for recovery. Treatment may involve a combination of therapy, medication, nutrition counselling, and support groups, depending on the individual’s unique needs and circumstances. Recovery is a journey, and it may take time and patience, but with the right support and resources, it is possible. If you or someone you know is struggling with an eating disorder, reach out to a healthcare professional for help. Remember, you are not alone.

Lizzie Weakley is a freelance writer from the USA.