On World Bipolar Day I Hope For: The Road to Remission by Eleanor

(image: World Bipolar Day)

Today is World Bipolar Day and for those of us living with bipolar disorder we know that living with it every day, year round is more accurate. However today is our day to talk about life with mental illness and to try and eradicate the stigma around the illness… ‘crazy lady’ ‘nuts’ ‘drama queen’.

World Bipolar Day is designed to raise awareness worldwide of bipolar conditions and to work to eliminate social stigma whilst providing information to educate and help people understand the condition.

Even though I live in remission/recovery with the illness, I am medicated daily to be this way, and I have undergone years of therapy and learnt coping methods too, with support from family.

Well, before I found medication that stabilises my bipolar highs and lows, life looked very different.

There were times I couldn’t work. I was so depressed I lay in bed in all day, only getting up to eat. I was scared to have a shower and wash my hair.

Life looked bleak. All I wanted was my duvet and oblivion. I had intrusive thoughts about ending my life, I was in a lot of emotional pain and this would last for weeks, sometimes months on end.

Bipolar isn’t just a bit high or a bit low…. its depression and mania, suicidal ideation and psychosis, self harm thoughts, hypersexuality, hyper activity, believing delusions that aren’t real…..SO much. Its episodic but it can ruin your life. Some turn to drugs, alcohol, sex to cope. Some hear voices too.

I have been in hospital twice for fairly long stays. I have been sectioned under the mental health act and held in a hospital unit against my will. I have been injected with sedatives to calm my mind and body when I couldn’t consent. I have met people in hospital who were suicidal, anxious, depressed, high on drugs, in psychosis. I lived on a ward where I heard people being restrained.

So, not much fun really. Luckily this month I am celebrating 9 years of remission out of hospital! I also came out of hospital as a nervous wreck and thankfully, therapy has helped.

(Image: speakingbipolar.com)

This blog is inspired by one of my followers who asked me what was my ‘Aha’ moment in recovery.

As well as finding the medicine Lithium, a salt that controls the mood fluctuations, the biggest thing I did for my own healing was go through therapy for my panic attacks and PTSD like symptoms. This was done with the support of my husband and family and because I has been on an NHS waiting list for 2 years, I needed help. My therapist and I have done EMDR trauma therapy which has helped me to process things.

In fact, I still do get anxiety attacks – just less. I have been in a very good place generally in the past year. Finding support at home, at work and from friends and family has been the most stabilising part.

I have had bipolar since I was 15, I am 34 and can tell you that this has not always been the case and my mental health has and will fluctuate.

I learnt recently that bipolar brains are neurodiverse, meaning our brain chemicals act differently to a neurotypical brain. Always good to understand the biology behind it too as this illness can be inherited and run in families- my Dad and I and other relatives have it.

On World Bipolar Day I hope:

-Employers adhere to the disability act and make reasonable adjustments to help those of us with bipolar to work in a better way for them, including hybrid working.

-People with mental illness aren’t fired because they can’t get to a physical workplace.

-Mental health services need better funding, so that people with bipolar can get a correct diagnosis sooner and get the help they need.

-People not in the Western world will get access to mental health medication and therapies that they desperately need.

Thank you for your ongoing support,



Read more about my journey with bipolar in my book Bring me to Light

How To Reduce Your Stress Levels After Work by Rose Morley

(pexels: Andrea Piacquaido)

Work-related stress catches up to us all eventually. Whether you are experiencing anxiety due to large workloads, or you are finding it hard to adjust to a new role, it is very normal to experience bursts of stress now and then. Knowing how to deal with stress is not common knowledge for many of us, and it is unheard of for workplaces to encourage mindful practices to reduce the symptoms of stress.

Chances are if you are reading this you have hit rock bottom, or at least the levels of stress are starting to have impacting effects on your life. Reducing stress in all areas of life might seem impossible, but we can at least take steps toward minimizing its impact on us by starting healthier habits when we get home from work. Home is for comfort and stepping away from the workload of the day.

If you are looking for the telltale signs of work-related stress and habits you can start when you return home from work, take a look at our following suggestions.

Symptoms Of Work Stress

First of all, you need to come to terms with how stress is showing up in your life. You may have been experiencing work-related stress symptoms for some time now, but you might just have ignored the signs. If you have experienced the following symptoms you might have beginners signs of work-related burnout and stress:

● Work-related thoughts when falling asleep

● Insomnia

● Regular headaches

● Fast heart rate when thinking about work-related tasks

● Susceptible to regular illness

● Lack of sleep

● Frequent sweating

Whilst many of these symptoms may be the results of many other things, you should consider which of your symptoms were not present before you become stressed with your work.

Steps You Can Take

If you are looking for habits you can start to implement to reduce your stress levels after work, consider taking action with the following:

Write Down Your Worries

First of all, the best way to remove ruminating thoughts from your head is to take the time to write everything down. This may feel uncomfortable at first, however, this is a great way to be present and list all of your worries, instead of letting them overpower your thoughts back to back. Seeing exactly what is stressing you out on paper has a way of taking the power away from each worry, and helps with the process of minimizing these stressors.

Prioritise You Time

Also, after work, you should make sure that at least an hour of your evening is spent doing exactly what you want to do. This hour should not be impacted by any other responsibilities, it may feel easier to do this after you have done your other priority tasks such as cooking and preparing for the next day. This self care time might be spent having a relaxing bath, or maybe watching a feel-good film. Spend time with yourself and make sure you enjoy it.

Speak With Your Support Network

Speaking with our loved ones is a great activity to complete when we feel like things are getting too much. Keeping ruminating thoughts to ourselves is what causes dangerous levels of stress and burnout, so spend some time speaking with your support network about what you are struggling with most. They may not be able to offer a solution, but at least feeling like you have someone to vent to is a healthy way of releasing stress.

Remember Why You Are Working Hard

Getting caught up in the hustle and bustle of work can often lead to a lost cause and forgetting the purpose of why you are doing what you are doing. For example, you might be feeling stressed at work due to working hard for a pay bonus, and this bonus might be to pay for a diamond ruby ring to propose to your loved one. It is so easy to lose sight of what you are working hard for, but always keep the purpose at the forefront of your mind.

Treat Yourself

Finally, work-related stress can often bring up the feeling of being in a lack of mindset and can make you feel at your lowest. Every so often you should concede treating yourself after work with something to show your appreciation for yourself. It could be as simple as treating yourself to your favourite takeaway food or booking a treatment at the spa after work. Remind yourself that you deserve to feel peace and appreciation for yourself.

Final Thoughts

Work-related stress can feel inescapable at times, but taking the steps to implement mindful practices after work can beat the anxiety that appears when we least want it to. Self-care can go a long way so make sure you follow this guide to help you reduce stress levels after work.

This article was written by freelance writer Rose Morley.

5 Ways Good Physical Health Can Improve Mental Health by Lizzie Weakley

(image: free image)

It’s no secret that physical and mental health are closely linked. When you’re physically healthy, you tend to feel better mentally and emotionally. The reverse is also true; when your mental health is suffering, your physical health often declines as well. That’s why it’s so important to take care of your physical health, especially if you’re struggling with mental health issues. Here are five ways that good physical health can improve mental health.

Improved Mood

When you’re physically healthy, you tend to have more energy and feel better overall. This can lead to an improved mood and a more positive outlook on life. If you’re feeling down, try getting some exercise or eating a nutritious meal. You may be surprised at how much better you feel afterwards!

Increased Relaxation

When you take care of your physical body, it helps reduce stress and tension. Exercise releases endorphins, which have mood-boosting effects, and can also help you sleep better at night. A healthy diet provides your body with the nutrients you need to function properly, which can also help reduce stress levels. If you’re struggling with food intake, consider consulting with a dietician who is trained in mental health. They’ll be able to assist you with services tailored to help you both mentally and physically!

Improved Concentration and Memory

Physical activity increases blood flow to the brain, which can improve brain function. Eating a healthy diet has also been linked with improved cognitive function. If you’re having trouble concentrating or remembering things, try adding more fruits, vegetables, and whole grains to your diet and increasing your activity level. You don’t have to do this all at once, but can gradually adjust your diet to include more whole foods.

Greater Sense of Accomplishment

When you set goals for yourself and then achieve them, it gives you a sense of accomplishment and boosts your self-esteem. Getting regular exercise and eating right are both great ways to set and achieve goals that improve your physical health while also improving your mental well-being. Consider rewarding yourself when you hit certain goals, such as finishing three days of exercising in a row. Before you know it, you’ll be forming healthy habits!

Enhanced Coping Skills

Having good physical health can give you the strength and endurance you need to get through difficult times. When you’re physically healthy, you have more energy to put towards coping with difficult situations. You can also use exercise and healthy eating as positive coping mechanisms when you’re feeling overwhelmed or stressed out. There’s a reason why many people like to go on a walk to clear their mind. Consider adding in these healthy coping mechanisms the next time you’re stressed.

If you’re struggling with your mental health, taking care of your physical health is a great place to start. There are many benefits to be gained from eating right and exercising regularly, not the least of which is improved mental well-being. So if you’re feeling down, try using some of these tips to boost your mood and improve your mental health.

This article was written by freelance writer Lizzie Weakley.

Family Responsibilities And Mental Health: Navigating the Unique Relationship.

Pexels Image – CC0 Licence

Being part of a family is one of the most natural things in life. However, sometimes that family isn’t so great for your mental health! It’s an unfortunate truth, but it affects so many people around the globe, even if we don’t talk about it. 

The silence involved can make you feel like such an outsider. Sometimes, your family who are supposed to love and cherish you , aren’t quite doing their job, and it’s hard to explain that. So what can you do in a scenario like this?

Build an External Support System

If your family isn’t there for you, you’ll need to build yourself a support system outside of them. Plenty of friends with couches you can crash on, or provide a shoulder to cry on if your parents have made another cruel remark. 

For any person out there, having connections outside of blood relations is a good idea. It widens your life in general, providing more viewpoints and experience for you to count on. And knowing there’s a group of friendly, funny, caring people at the end of the phone can make family responsibilities a lot easier to parse in your mind. 

Know Your Own Boundaries

Whether you’ve got a grown sibling you’re being made to feel responsible for or your parents have always reacted negatively to your decisions, your life is your own. As such, you may need to start putting up some walls. Commonly known as ‘going no contact’, you grant yourself the ability to move on from a childhood’s worth of trauma and finally make your own way in the world your way. 

But if no contact isn’t for you, you can try ‘low contact’ instead. Some people can panic at the thought of cutting ties completely, and there may still be people in your family you want to see on a regular basis (with boundaries).

No One Can Do it All

Even when you feel like you have to, or like you’re letting a loved one down – you didn’t. Remember, you’re only one person with 24 hours in a day, and you can’t be dedicating all that time to caring for someone else. As a parent or as an adult carer, you’re going to need help. 

So let people in when they’re available. Whether it’s counting on the support of a place like Prestwick Care when dealing with an elderly relative, or simply asking a sibling to pitch in when you can’t arrange a babysitter, help is there. You just have to reach out, no matter how much courage that might take.

A temporary worry is much better for you than long term stress when it comes to your mental health and wellness. 

Being stressed out by family responsibilities happens to us all. But if they’re chronic, reach out. You don’t have to take it all on alone. 

This article was written by a freelance writer.

You’re Not Alone: 5 Services That Help With Disability by Dixie Somers

(image: Unsplash: Zachary Kyra- Derksen)

Living with a disability can be difficult, but with the right services and resources, it doesn’t have to be. There are a variety of services available that can help people with disabilities live more comfortable and independent lives. Here are five services you should consider if you have a disability.

Medical Equipment Loan Closets

Many organisations throughout the world offer loan closets for medical equipment such as wheelchairs, walkers, and crutches. These organisations often partner with hospitals or healthcare providers in order to provide loaner equipment at no cost to those who need it. This is especially helpful for those who do not have insurance coverage for medical equipment or cannot afford to purchase their own.

Respite Care Services

Respite care services provide temporary relief for those caring for someone with a disability. Respite care can range from in-home care and overnight stays to extended vacation stays. This type of service allows caregivers to take a break while still knowing their loved one is being taken care of by qualified professionals.

Finding respite care services near you is easier than ever. There are a variety of online resources, such as websites and telephone help lines, that provide information about local respite care programs. Additionally, many local organizations, churches, and faith-based groups offer respite care services for free or at a reduced cost. Contacting the nearest healthcare provider may also provide helpful information about respite care options in the area. Taking advantage of these services can be a great way to relieve stress, get some much-needed rest and relaxation, and ensure that your loved one is receiving quality care.

Transportation Services

Many cities have transportation services specifically designed for those with disabilities. These services provide door-to-door pick up and drop off so that individuals can get where they need to go safely and on time. They also typically accommodate any special needs the individual may have, such as wheelchair access or assistance transferring between vehicles.

Rideshare and taxi services are increasingly becoming popular among those with disabilities as they allow users to book transportation at any time, from anywhere. These services offer wheelchair-accessible vehicles and other flexible options that make it easier for people with disabilities to get around. Additionally, many rideshare companies provide special discounts or programs specifically designed for those with disabilities or limited incomes. Utilizing rideshare services can help you stay independent, get around efficiently, and save money in the process.

Social Security & Disability Attorneys

If you happen to be in the United States of America, social security and disability attorneys are available to you for help with navigating the complex laws surrounding disability benefits. They can assist with filing for Social Security Disability Insurance (SSDI) or Supplemental Security Income (SSI), as well as any appeals that may be needed. An experienced social security disability law attorney can help ensure you get the benefits you’re entitled to, saving time and money.

Finding a great social security and disability attorney can be a daunting task, but it doesn’t have to be. The first step is researching your local area for attorneys who specialise in this area of law. Word of mouth can also be helpful; ask friends or family members if they have any recommendations or experience working with an attorney who specialises in disability law. Additionally, many organisations provide free or low-cost legal assistance to those with disabilities. Contacting these organisations can help you find a lawyer who is experienced and knowledgeable in this field. Lastly, it’s important to do your due diligence when researching lawyers; read reviews online and make sure the attorney is highly qualified before committing to any legal representation.

Home Modification Funds

Many states, provinces, cities, and townships have some type of funding program in place that helps people pay for home modifications that make their homes more accessible for someone with a disability. These funds may cover costs associated with adding ramps, widening doorways, or installing grab bars in bathrooms. It’s important to research your area’s specific program so you know what types of modifications are eligible for funding.

Financial Assistance Programs

For those living on a fixed income, financial assistance programs can be invaluable when it comes to covering costs associated with living with a disability. These programs provide money toward rent or mortgage payments, utility bills, food costs, and other necessities that may not be covered by other forms of assistance.

Mental Health Services

Living with a disability can be emotionally taxing, so it’s important to have access to mental health services for support. Mental health services are available in both in-person and online formats, and offer individual counselling, group therapy, or other specialised treatments such as music therapy or art therapy. These services provide an outlet for individuals to talk about their feelings and find ways to manage their emotions in a healthy way. Counselling can also help people set goals and plan for the future, giving them a sense of purpose and hope.

No matter what type of disability you have, there are services available to help make your life easier and safer. From medical equipment loan closets to financial assistance programs, there are numerous resources available specifically tailored towards individuals living with disabilities—all of which can help make living independently easier and more manageable than ever before!

Dixie Somers is a freelance writer from the USA

6 Tips To Keep Your Morale High While Job Hunting by Rachelle Wilber

Job hunting is never easy, and it can be especially challenging in this current climate. With more people competing for fewer jobs, the pressure to find a job can really take its toll on your mental health and morale. But there are steps you can take to help keep your spirits up during your job search. Here are six tips to help you maintain a positive outlook while job hunting. 

Maintain Your Physical Health 

Ensure you eat healthy meals, get enough sleep, and exercise regularly. Taking care of yourself physically will give you the energy and strength you need to stay motivated throughout your job search process. Plus, the dopamine you get from exercising helps stabilise your mental health. 

Set Realistic Expectations 

Setting goals for yourself when job searching is important, but it’s also important to set realistic expectations for what you want out of the process. Setting unrealistic expectations can lead to frustration and disappointment when things don’t go as planned. Keeping realistic timelines, salary goals, and more in check will help you in this process. 

Stay Connected with Friends and Family 

Reaching out to friends and family during your job search can provide much-needed support and helpful advice from those who know you best. Staying connected with people who care about you will boost your morale and remind you that people in your corner are rooting for you. 

Develop Networking Skills 

Networking is key when it comes to finding a new job, so focus on building strong relationships with those in your industry or field. You never know who might have connections or insights into potential opportunities that could be perfect for you. Attend conventions, group meetups, or whatever is available to you to further your network. 

Stay Organised 

Keeping track of all the applications, resumes, emails, interviews, etc., can be overwhelming at times. Make sure you stay organized throughout the process by creating systems that work for you. This could include keeping notes in documents, making spreadsheets tracking your progress, or whatever works for you. Having things in order will help reduce stress levels associated with searching for a new job significantly. 

Take Breaks 

While it’s important to remain focused on finding a new position, taking some time off every now and then is essential as well – even if it’s just one day per week where all you do is relax and enjoy some much-needed “me time.” Taking regular breaks from the search allows time for reflection which may lead to fresh ideas and perspectives on how best to tackle the next step in your journey. 

Searching for a new job can be stressful at times, but these six tips should help keep your spirits high. Remember that taking care of yourself physically, setting realistic expectations, staying connected with friends/family members, developing strong networking skills, staying organised, and taking regular breaks should put up in good stead throughout this journey – so don’t give up. 

Rachelle Wilber is a freelance writer.

4 Ways To Improve Employee Wellbeing.

(Image: Brooke Cagle: Unsplash)

Considering the wellbeing of employees has never been more important, or more timely. With world events like the coronavirus pandemic having a serious impact on global mental health, more and more employers have begun to more seriously consider the overall wellbeing of their employees, not simply their productivity in the workplace. 

In fact, many employers are beginning to understand how the two are intimately connected.Indeed, it is reported that healthy employees are 74% more likely to be satisfied with their current job than unhealthy employees.

It is therefore important for companies to consider ways to improve employee wellbeing. Below is a list of tips for improving the wellbeing of your employees.

Training and Long-Term Goals

The reason that many employees are unhappy at work is that they feel they have stagnated, spending years in a particular position without any opportunity for growth or new responsibilities. 

It is therefore important to understand the individual professional goals of your employees and how you might deploy training and development schemes to help them achieve those goals. An employee is much happier if they feel they are working towards a goal or new opportunity, not simply stuck in a 9-5 grind. 

It is well worth investing in personal development schemes to help employees recognise and develop their individual talents. These schemes can come in the form of lecture series or workshops, training schemes or bootcamps. 


It has been reported by several studies that allowing employees greater flexibility regarding when and where they work can greatly improve mental health. Allowing flexible working hours  and locations can help employees feel a greater sense of autonomy over their personal and professional lives. 

Obviously this involves a degree of coordination, since employees must still be able to work collaboratively throughout the day, but studies have shown that more flexible scheduling can lead to greater wellbeing and productivity.

(image: Stefan Stefanovic: Unsplash)

Social Engagements

It is important for the wellbeing of employees to work in a friendly and collaborative workplace environment. Creating opportunities for social, non-work engagements for your employees is not just a chance for them to let off steam, it can be a vital way of helping employees build meaningful and productive social relationships with their colleagues.

If staff are on friendly terms, they are more likely to look forward to coming into work, as well as more likely to collaborate successfully with their colleagues on work-related tasks. A social and amicable work environment almost always leads to a happier and more productive workforce.

Creating a healthy office environment, full of friendly social links, can be achieved in several ways. One way is the more informal route of arranging after-work social engagements (or weekend trips) for your employees. Or you could go the more formal route of arranging dedicated team-building days or afternoons. 

There are a myriad of ways of creating a friendly workplace environment, but it is inarguable that doing so will lead to greater wellbeing among all employees. 

Strategize and Focus on Mental health

Many people believe that their mental health issues can at least partly be attributed to the pressures and strains of their professional lives or because they require financial assistance. It is therefore essential for employers to focus on creating an inclusive environment where mental health issues can be discussed and tackled in an open, honest and compassionate way. 

There are many ways in which employees can address mental health issues in the workplace. One is to create, and follow, a comprehensive wellbeing policy. The policy should signpost ways in which the company works to address mental health issues as well as the resources that the company provides for employees in regards to mental health management. 

Creating a workplace environment in which mental health is clearly seen to be a priority will foster a greater sense of emotional security and wellness for your employees.

We are 7! On Be Ur Own Light’s 7th Blog Anniversary by Eleanor

On the 1st March 2016, I started this blog as a way to provide therapy for myself- as I was going through panic attacks, (caused by trauma). Can you believe that was 7 years ago?! I can’t! Since then I have had several years of therapy and my life changed so much too for the better- I met my husband, we got married and moved to our first home.

The blog has turned into a book Bring me to Light (with Trigger), writing for Metro.co.uk, Glamour, the Telegraph, Happiful, Rethink Mental Illness, Mind and other incredible organisations, I have partnered with large and small brands, charities, businesses, writers to create content that battles stigma on mental health. We have been awarded as a Top 10 UK blog by Vuelio since 2018 (thank you) and I love to share my story to help others and educate people about bipolar, anxiety, panic disorders, psychosis, mania and mental health in the workplace (amongst other mental health topics!). I have also recorded podcasts and have begun speaking in the community about bipolar with my Dad.

I cannot believe it has been 7 years since I opened up my computer to write- I was struggling. a lot. Writing has been such a therapy and a saviour to me.. and I hope this blog helps you too!

As always, I want to thank all my contributors and brands (sponsored or not), as well as the digital agencies and freelance writers who provide content too.

This year March 22- 23 we have featured (where it says my name, I wrote it!)

How to Stay Motivated When You’re Feeling Lost: Tracie Johnson

Change the Story Campaign- Eating Disorder Stereotypes- Hope Virgo

Performance of She Used To Be Mine (Sara Bareilles) by Nicolina Bozzo- Eleanor

5 Tips on How To Talk To Your Boss About Mental Health- freelance writer

Does Retail Therapy help your mental health?– freelance writer

9 Tips On Prioritising Your Mental Health while raising children- freelance writer

How to Keep a Good Mindset with Physical Therapy – Sierra Powell

Bipolar and Perinatal mental health- Eleanor

4 Types of Alcohol Addiction Services You can Turn To for Help- Rachelle Wilber

How to Transform Social Anxiety – Lewis McDonnell at Phobia Support Forum

What It’s Like To Go Through Severe Depression as a Bipolar Episode- Eleanor

What To Do When You Feel Alone- Eleanor

4 Reasons to Cook For Yourself- freelance writer

Learning to Embrace Schizoaffective Disorder -Mental Health Awareness Week- James Lindsay

Promoting wellbeing, good mental health and reducing stress in the elderly- freelance writer

Top 10 UK Mental Health Blog Award from Vuelio- Eleanor

Mental health, low self esteem, body image and fashion- freelance writer

What It Means To Have an NHS Perinatal Psychiatry Meeting- Eleanor

Unbroken- How Madeleine Black learnt to heal after sexual violence- Eleanor

What Tools Go Into Substance Abuse Treatment- Kara Masterson

Living with Anxiety- Promoting Mental Health and Success In the Workplace- Erin Hallett

How to know if you have an eating disorder and what to do next- Rachelle Wilber

How can I help an alcoholic or addict parent?- Chaye McIntosh

Boost Your Confidence- freelance writer

Taking Lithium for Bipolar Disorder- Side Effects – Eleanor

4 Effective Ways to Boost Your Mood- freelance writer

Knowing when its right to seek substance abuse treatment- Rachelle Wilber

Protecting mental health, a guide- The Mental Health Foundation

Letting go of hurtful memories to be happier- freelance writer

Group therapy and healing- Lizzie Weakley

Mental health medication and heatwave side effects- Eleanor

How to Create Healthy Daily habits- Sierra Powell

3 Journalling Techniques for Improved Mental Health- freelance writer

Looking after elderly parents- freelance writer

Thank you to a mental health nurse for sharing my book – Eleanor

Interview on Living with Bipolar with Best For You NHS- Eleanor

5 Tips for Communicating with Someone with Dementia- freelance writer

7 Tips to Help Your Personality Shine Through- freelance writer

Sleep Expert on how to stay cool on hot nights- freelance writer

Book Review of my book Bring me to Light by Deb Wilk- Eleanor

4 kinds of Therapy to consider- Rachelle Wilber

Coping with Borderline Personality Disorder and Obsessive Compulsive Disorder- Dr Joann Mundin

Are work places doing enough for mental health post-covid? – freelance writer

Mental Health at Work: First Aid products- writer

The Anxiety Train- a New Year- Eleanor

PTSD therapies and what is right for you- Kara Masterson

Managing mental health when you start college/university- freelance writer

Helping elderly relatives take care of themselves- freelance writer

How to Stay Emotionally Healthy during a Divorce- Lizzie Weakley

4 Ways EMDR Therapy can help you cope with Anxiety- Rachelle Wilber

Stuck in a Rut? Try These 4 Things- Dixie Somers

Non Traditional Therapeutic Activities to Try for Anxiety- Brooke Chaplan

Dealing with Dental Anxiety- Lizzie Weakley

Overcoming Seasonal Mood Changes- Brian Thomas

3 Years of my book Bring me to Light- Eleanor

5 Unbeatable ways to unwind- Dixie Somers

Speed Up Bipolar diagnosis to save lives- Bipolar UK- Eleanor

Losing a loved one- coping with anxiety- Hannah Walters

4 Ways to Treat an eating disorder- Lizzie Weakley

Bipolar UK commission announcement on government funding – Eleanor

How Living by the waterfront improves health- Rachelle Wilber

What football has taught me about life and mental health- Rose Atkinson-Carter

Anxiety and climbing, not carrying mountains- Eleanor

How Car accidents affect mental health- Stubbs Law Firm

How can EMDR therapy help you?- Brooke Chaplan

Tips for planning a sensory friendly wedding- Clay Reese

How to manage emotional eating- Lizzie Weakley

Methods for helping addiction recovery- Kara Masterson

How to tell if a loved one needs psychiatric help- Brooke Chaplan

What to do if you have an eating disorder- Brooke Chaplan

Navigating a divorce and preserving your mental wellbeing- Dixie Somers

January anxiety and burn out, how to avoid- Dr Catherine Carney at Delamere

How to cope with ADHD- freelance writer

My talk at the mental health awareness shabbat on bipolar- Eleanor

Tips to help seasonal depression- Obehi Iyobhebhe

How to help support your friends journey to sobriety- Anita Ginsburg

Why self care is so important- Brooke Chaplan

Coping with big life changes- Meghan Belnap

Befriending my brain, a new book on psychosis and recovery by James Lindsay- Eleanor

Thank you all for contributing and I am raising a glass to 7 years of this blog!!

Love and gratitude,

Eleanor x

Befriending My Brain: A Psychosis Story. Exciting New Book by James Lindsay and Cherish Editions

(image: James Lindsay/Cherish Editions)

I first ‘met’ my Twitter friend James Lindsay online when he was first starting to talk about his schizoaffective disorder and psychosis. James also works for Mind doing important work in the mental health sphere and we both live locally to one another. I am really proud of James’s determination, not only in his own life, but to help others through his writing and his new book ‘Befriending My Brain’ with Cherish Editions (Trigger Publishing).

An eye-opening memoir about a young man’s descent into schizoaffective disorder– and the steps he took to regain control of his life.

It’s no secret that, in recent years, mental health has become a major topic of conversation. But just because many people feel comfortable discussing their depression, anxiety or other mental health conditions, doesn’t mean that we have removed all stigma from such diagnoses. This is especially true when it comes to psychotic disorders, which affect less than 1 in 100 people in the UK each year (Mind), thus leaving these disorders shrouded in mystery. It doesn’t help that what the media portrays as schizophrenia or psychosis is not always what the sufferer experiences in real life.

As such, it’s vital that we start to bring psychotic disorders, including psychosis, to the forefront. According to a 2016 report from Public Health England, “psychosis is one of the most life-impacting conditions in healthcare.” But with the proper treatment and understanding, it doesn’t have to be life-altering. The same report states that the sooner someone
is treated for their psychosis, the better the chances that they will recover and return to their normal

James Lindsay has experienced the ups and downs of schizoaffective disorder first-hand, and his book does the vital work of removing some of the mystery surrounding such a diagnosis. It includes the red flags he recognises in hindsight after psychosis landed him in hospital for the better part of a month, but it also retells the inspiring journey he took to recovery in all aspects of his life.

In his case, psychosis and his path to better mental health gave him a new passion in life: helping others through their own diagnoses and getting their lives back, just as he did. No matter where readers are on their journeys, James’ memoir will resonate and remind them, as he puts it, that “recovery is always possible, and hope is never far away.”

(image: Trigger Publishing/ Cherish Editions/James Lindsay)

I can’t wait to read it and review it too!

You can buy a copy of Befriending My Brain: A Psychosis Story by James Lindsay at Amazon, Trigger, Waterstones, WH Smith and all good bookshops.

Hailing from Watford, Hertfordshire, James Lindsay works for Hertfordshire Mind Network and uses his free time to advocate for mental health care by blogging and appearing on podcasts and TV. James enjoys playing football, going to the cinema, spending time with friends and family, and exploring new places, with his partner, Holly. Befriending My Brain is his first book.

Helping Elderly Parents With Their Wellbeing.

(image: Ivan Samkov, Pexels)

We all – if we are so privileged – age enough to become ‘old’. We grow into our faces, our experiences and our futures and we do so over a long period of time. Not everyone is afforded the chance to grow old, of course, but those who do are lucky to get there. When you have senior parents that have reached an advanced age, you have to expect there to be changes in your relationship dynamic. As parents age they may need more help, they may be more aggressive, they may be resistant to any help or support. The worst part is that when you try to help your parents, you may find them resistant to that help – and that can be difficult to manage. 

Every situation for a family is unique and so you have to adapt and adjust to the limitations that you are facing in your specific dynamic. Understanding how to help elderly parents without being overly safe is not easy. It’s actually really hard not to suggest senior living or other support systems to parents who aren’t open to that idea – you need them to feel open to help first. Once you have that, you will find navigating the future far simpler. Helping elderly parents needs some movement, and here are our suggestions to help you to do just that.

Empathise. With your parents, you need to empathise and show them that you get it; their life is hard and it’s not easy for them to manage their own expectations. Sometimes, you may be pushed out by the frustration and moodiness that your parents display. It’s vital that you are empathetic and understanding because as hard as it is for you to deal with the changes, consider how they feel? Consider how they are managing the things happening to them right now. It’s going to be huge for them to go from independent to totally dependent on others and losing that independence takes a lot of getting used to.

Call your parents. You need to do what you can to maintain contact with your parents. Calling them regularly and helping them to understand that you are at the end of the phone is going to be a game changer for them. Set reminders on your phone to remind them that you are there, that you love them and that you want to know how they’re doing. Senior parents often feel like a burden and you can avoid that and make it something you change for them.

Don’t do it alone. Helping elderly parents is so much easier when you’re not alone in it. You shouldn’t have to be the only person holding up the house, right? Well, don’t be. Rope in the help of others and make a point of sharing the mental load as much as the physical load. You shouldn’t take all of the responsibility for yourself because all you’re going to do is burn out. Communication is key if you want to make sure that you have the right support. 

Look for the problems. It may feel counterproductive to look for problems before they happen but doing this will help you to figure out the right plan of action for support. Knowing emergency contacts, knowing their medical contacts and understanding their surroundings is so important if you want to ensure that your parents are safe. Seeking out the problems will help you to prepare to fix them and some days, you need to fix them! If you have the essentials sorted, you’re going to find it a much smoother journey.

Be their advocate. As they’re your parents, it makes sense to advocate where you can. Being their voice when things get tough is going to help them and you to find life easy. If they have an illness, ensuring that you all have a good grasp of what to expect will help you to keep moving forward and prevent anyone moving backwards. Knowing their conditions, their medications, their appointments and more is vital if you want to be a good advocate for them in times of need.

Encourage activity. This is something you can do together: walks, swims and sports. Many aging parents find remaining active difficult and it’s important to do that together to help both parents stay social and active. If your parents are active they are helping their health and that’s what you need from them the most, too! Going to sports, senior groups, churches/ religious places, museums and more will help them to maintain their activity and their friendships. It’s super needed for balance and to improve their mood, cognitive thinking, strength and more. Aging parents can participate in senior programs and it’s something that will make them feel energised and vital in the world. 

Assist them with downsizing. Parents living in larger houses often need space but not too much space. Cleaning and organising is much harder in a larger home and you can help them to downsize without being bossy or demanding. Realising that you can help without pushing is important. You don’t have to be bossy about it all and ensuring that they don’t feel like you are hiding their memories is important. Your parents may argue at the idea of downsizing, but that’s natural when they haven’t ever planned to! 

Help your parents to create a memory book. You want to show your parents that you are there for them and it’s common for senior parents to experience short term memory issues that take time to build. Creating memory books is important for them to know who they are and what their homes have meant to them. Fill it up with scrapbook pages, photos, places and pets through the years so that they can use it and flip through it whenever they are feeling down.

Helping elderly parents is a pull on the heartstrings and you should ensure that you are equipped where possible.

This article was written by a freelance writer.