How You Can Achieve A Healthier Lifestyle This New Year.

(image: Brooke Lark: Unsplash)

It’s about the time of year when everyone decides that they’re going to live a healthier lifestyle. If you’re not sure how you can achieve this goal, don’t worry. There are plenty of changes, some of which are easier to manage than others, that will help you improve your health. You can also do this all year round, not just on New Year’s Eve or for a few weeks in January.

  1. Eat Better

Have you ever heard the saying “you are what you eat”? People often think about it in the vein of weight loss, but that’s the first misconception people have about eating healthily. 

Eating better doesn’t just mean trying to lose weight. Sometimes, weight loss is a part of your lifestyle goals, but not necessarily. In fact, changing your diet just to lose weight can lead to an unhealthy and unsustainable lifestyle. You might lose the weight quickly, but your health could suffer and you’re less likely to maintain the results. 

Instead, focus on a well balanced and nutritious diet. Eat the calories you need and make wise food choices. You don’t need to be too restricted, just controlled. 

  1. Drink Plenty 

No, this isn’t a suggestion to drink more alcohol. While alcohol in moderation isn’t a problem, too much alcohol can be terrible for your health. 

Rather, you should think about how much water you drink. The recommended amount is between 6 and 8 glasses of liquid. It doesn’t have to be water. Tea, coffee, and soft drinks do count. 

However, it’s better to drink mainly water and non-sugar drinks. Soft drinks with a lot of sugar contain loads of calories and have very little nutrition, which isn’t a great combo. 

  1. Cut Out Bad Habits

Speaking of cutting things down, you should definitely think about cutting out bad habits like smoking or substance abuse. 

Smoking causes a huge amount of damage to your body and wallet. While you can go cold turkey and completely cut smoking out, some people find this difficult. NRTs, or nicotine replacement therapies, are a good way to wean yourself off.

If you’re trying to stop a very heavy smoking habit, this is especially helpful. Find treatments that work for you, whether that’s extra strong pouches or another kind of medication. 

  1. Exercise

It’s no secret that good fitness is good for your physical and mental health. 

The key to getting fit is to build yourself up. Don’t try to run a marathon right away. Set small, achievable goals and stick to them. The key is exercising regularly, not becoming an instant athlete. 

  1. Mental Health 

A big part of a healthy lifestyle is your mental health. This will keep you happy and healthy. 

This is easier said than done, especially when you’re balancing your mental health with physical health problems. We have enough to deal with in our lives without adding chronic pain or fatigue into the mix. 

Keep an eye on your mental state and well-being. If you do feel overwhelmed, talk to someone. Whether it’s a friend or a medical professional, talking things out can help you process problems and manage them better. 

Heres to a healthy and happy 2024!

This article was written by a freelance writer.

The Subtle Joys Of Escaping City Life And Returning To Nature.

(Image: Simon Godfrey, Unsplash)

Getting out of the city and returning to nature is one of the best ways to improve your mental health – at least, for some people. However, it is also one of the least-discussed options on blogs and by the medical community. There’s an assumption that where you live has little effect on how you feel, but that couldn’t be further from the truth. 

Theories about why cities are so damaging to mental health vary. However, some researchers believe that it stems from a so-called evolutionary mismatch. We evolved in nature, yet cities present us with a radically different environment that changes how we feel by exposing us to excessive light, busyness, and people. 

Here are some of the subtle joys of escaping city life and returning to nature: 


Returning to nature or living a simpler life in a smaller community can give you a sense of simplicity and quietness. It gives you time apart from the endless hustle and bustle of urban life, providing your mind with a break from all the stimulation.

Nature doesn’t rush to do anything, yet harmony and perfection are achieved. As a part of that process, getting away from the city can remind you that you too are a vessel of perfection. 


Phoning your conveyancing solicitors and getting them to help you move to a more natural setting can enhance your sense of belonging. Living in a city sometimes makes you feel like you’re an alien visiting from another world, whereas living in nature gives you a sense that you’re going along with everything else, making you feel more connected. 

New Perspectives

Getting out of the city also gives you new perspectives. The bright lights and fast pace disappear, replaced by bucolic scenes and people quietly going about their traditional lives. 

This shift can have a profound effect on your sense of joy immediately. Many people instantly feel happier the moment they move, getting out of the city, and having more space to enjoy their lives and pursue outdoor activities. 

(image: David Stratton, Unsplash)

Personal Growth And Reflection

Getting out of the city also gives you the space you need to grow and reflect on your life. You have the physical and mental space to do more inner work, concentrating on what makes you tick instead of constantly striving to fulfil others’ needs. 

This “quiet time” is something that can also give you new perspectives and help you feel more fulfilled. It gives you the impetus to try fresh and new things in your life, enabling you to experiment and find purpose and meaning where perhaps it might be lacking with a conventional city-based life. 

The Improved Environment

Finally, getting out of the city introduces you to a better environment. While the built-up world can be architecturally stunning, it isn’t always what our bodies and minds need. You can avoid breathing in exhaust fumes linked to brain inflammation and instead, enjoy the clear air every morning. You can also escape the constant din of police sirens and honking horns for a more natural noise environment.

Remember that being in nature, as part of other forms of help, can improve mental health and relaxation. Reach out to your GP or therapist for support too.

This article was written by a freelance writer.

Festive Greetings from Eleanor, Founder Of Be Ur Own Light.

(image: Andrew Nevins- Pexels)

I can’t believe its almost Christmas and the end of 2023! It has been at times a challenging year but I do love the holidays, even though we don’t celebrate Christmas. But its nice to come together as we’re all off work here in the UK and have family time, food and watch movies.

My favourite thing about this season are the cosy, twinkly lights and light trails. We’ll be doing one this year at a stately home. Lighting up the darkness feels appropriate this time of year.

I know that Christmas is not easy for everyone and many struggle with their mental health and relationships this time of year. Please know you are not alone and reach out to Samaritans 116 123 if you need to talk. There is also the Shout text service.

I hope your festive season will be merry and bright… and if it isn’t please tell someone and seek help if you can. You are never alone.


Eleanor (and family`)


Navigating Divorce Law While Caring for Your Mental Health by Brooke Chaplan

(image: Pexels)

Note: the author refers to USA divorce laws but the advice for mental health is the same.

Divorce is an extremely difficult process, emotionally and financially draining, and legally complex. Whether you are the one filing for divorce or the one who is served with divorce papers, this life-altering experience can take a toll on your mental health. With so many issues to consider – child custody, spousal support, property division, and more – navigating divorce law (USA) can be intimidating. But it’s important to prioritise your mental health during this challenging time. In this blog post, we will explore some ways to help you manage your mental health and navigate divorce law.

Focus on Self-Care

The first step to taking care of your mental health is to focus on self-care. Amidst all the chaos, don’t forget to take care of yourself. Eat healthily, exercise regularly, get enough sleep, and seek help immediately if you feel overwhelmed. Make sure to carve out time for activities that you enjoy and engage in self-care rituals that make you feel good.

Seek Therapy

Divorce is a tough time, and you don’t have to go through it alone. Don’t hesitate to seek out professional help from a licensed therapist. A therapist can help you work through the complex emotions you’re feeling and provide you with coping mechanisms to manage your emotions proactively.

Find Emotional Support

Surround yourself with positive and supportive friends and family who will uplift and cheer you up. Find a support network of divorce recovery groups where you can share your experiences and get emotional support from people who understand what you’re going through. Don’t be afraid to ask for help and delegate tasks to relieve stress.

Stay Educated on Divorce Law (USA)

Divorce laws vary from state to state, so it’s important to stay educated about the laws that apply in your state. An understanding of the legal process can help you make better decisions and manage your legal battles more effectively. Consult with a qualified divorce attorney who can provide you with legal guidance and support.


Consider mediation as a way to avoid going to court. It’s an opportunity to resolve your differences collaboratively and avoid contentious legal battles that can take a toll on your mental health. Mediation focuses on negotiating a settlement that works for both parties, and an experienced mediator can help you resolve issues like child custody, spousal support, property division, and more.

Going through a divorce is challenging, and it’s okay to ask for help.

Remember to take care of your mental health during this time by focusing on self-care, seeking therapy, finding emotional support, staying educated on divorce law, and considering mediation. You are not alone, and with the right support and guidance, you can successfully navigate the divorce process. Take care of yourself, and don’t hesitate to reach out to professionals if you need help.

This article was written by Brooke Chaplan, who is based in the USA. For UK and other divorce laws, please see your own country.

The Kind Mind Method: A Book and Philosophy by Alexander Walton

(image: Alexander Walton)

In 2015, Alexander Walton had an idea. It was an emotional short story that he wrote, then placed in brightly coloured envelopes and randomly distributed across the city he lived in. Each one also contained a small gift: a symbol of hope. He called this project Find My Story and through the support and kindness of others, it expanded across the globe.

Over the next five years there were three stories in total. Hundreds of volunteers. Thousands of envelopes. And an avalanche of profound and moving responses from people who had found one of these envelopes, and had the curiosity to open it.

This experience was the inspiration for The Kind Mind Method and ultimately changed the author’s life in ways he never could have expected. He continues to advocate kindness and positivity through his books and ongoing projects.

(image: Alexander Walton)

For years, scientific studies have continuously demonstrated a clear link between kindness and mental wellbeing. Throughout that time, there has never been any unified mechanism to harness this power. Until now.

Do you feel as if you are stuck inside your own head? Does worry stop you engaging with the wider world? Do you sometimes feel helpless to stop negative thoughts? The Kind Mind Method is a simple thought process that will allow you to embrace a positive mindset in everything you do. It will change you in ways you never could have imagined and snap you into the moment like nothing else you have tried.

Built upon proven scientific principles and leveraging the power of kindness, Alexander Walton will explain how you can benefit from this profound change. Through clear steps and real-world examples, he will guide you through its adoption and ongoing usage. Along the way, he will examine how this approach provides you with a true alternative thought that you will actively want to pursue. And by the end of this book, you will understand how it can offer a structured mechanism to deal with any situation, and watch as you seamlessly embrace a different thought. A better thought. A kinder thought.

Here were just some responses to the Find my Story envelopes:

  • Found your story and you have no idea at what time it entered my life and the impact it had.”
  • “It is impossible to describe how this story made me feel…I will keep this gift on me until I feel I need to pass it on myself.”
  • “THANK YOU for writing your story, and sending that message of hope out into the world. I needed it so badly and I’ve kept the gift with me ever since. I’ll never forget the feeling of opening your envelope.”
  • A Christmas carol’s feeling in the belly. Your story is beautiful and your letter found me in a very special time. A time of uncertainty and doubts where this star blowing in the middle of the night was somehow something I didn’t expect anymore.  Thank you so much for that.

You can find Alexander Walton on his website and his book is out now.

Meditation 101: Everything You Need To Know by Miranda Spears.

Photo from Unsplash

Embarking on the journey of meditation is akin to entering a profound realm of self-discovery and tranquility. This ancient practice, deeply woven into the fabric of various cultures and spiritual traditions, offers a transformative pathway to inner peace and mindfulness. In this exploration of meditation, you can delve into its fundamental principles and techniques. You may also learn about the many benefits it brings. If you are eager to embark on this contemplative journey, there is much to be gained.

Understanding the Essence of Meditation

Meditation, at its core, is a mental exercise designed to heighten awareness and cultivate a tranquil state of mind. In a world filled with incessant noise and distractions, meditation serves as a sanctuary. This is a space that is meant to silence the ceaseless chatter of the mind. Through various techniques such as focused breathing, guided visualisation, or mindful observation, individuals aim to create a profound sense of calm and presence in the current moment. There’s a reason why meditation has been a part of the human experience since as far back as 5000 BCE.

Getting Started on Your Meditation Journey

Begin by finding a quiet and comfortable space where you can sit or lie down without distractions. Creating an environment that allows you to immerse yourself in the practice is foundational. Once settled, turn your attention inward, focusing on your breath—an elemental meditation technique. Inhale deeply, feeling the air fill your lungs, and then exhale slowly, consciously releasing tension. Alternatively, engage in mindful observation by letting thoughts come and go without attachment, cultivating a non-judgmental awareness of the present moment. Don’t be surprised if a surge of energy during meditation happens — and don’t judge it if it does.

Various Types of Meditation

Meditation is a diverse tapestry, offering various techniques catering to different preferences and goals. Mindfulness meditation encourages being fully present, urging individuals to observe thoughts and sensations without attachment. Transcendental meditation involves repeating a mantra silently, guiding practitioners toward a state of relaxed awareness. Loving-kindness meditation centers around cultivating feelings of love and compassion, often achieved through the repetition of positive phrases. Body scan meditation encourages a mental exploration of the body, identifying and releasing tension to promote both physical and mental relaxation.

Benefits of Meditation

The benefits of meditation are extensive and well-documented, making it a compelling practice for those seeking holistic well-being. Stress reduction stands as one of its primary advantages, with regular practice promoting relaxation and heightened mindfulness. Improved concentration becomes a natural outcome, as meditation serves as a training ground for the mind, enhancing cognitive function and focus. Emotional well-being experiences a positive shift, marked by reduced anxiety, a more optimistic outlook, and increased emotional resilience. The calming effect of meditation often extends to sleep, contributing to improved sleep quality and overall restorative rest.

Challenges on the Meditation Path

While the benefits of meditation are profound, the journey is not without its challenges. Patience becomes a valuable companion, recognizing that meditation is a skill that matures over time. Developing a consistent practice is equally crucial; establishing a routine, even if just for a few minutes each day, allows individuals to experience benefits. Encouraging experimentation with different techniques acknowledges the uniqueness of each individual, encouraging them to discover approaches that resonate with their personal preferences. Incorporating meditation into daily life is a transformative process, one that extends beyond formal sessions. Integrating mindfulness into routine activities, such as mindful eating or walking, becomes a practical and enriching way to extend the benefits beyond the confines of just one daily meditation session.

Final Thoughts on a Transformational Process

Practicing meditation will unlock a special door to the realm of self-discovery and serenity. As one navigates the principles, techniques, and benefits, it becomes evident that the true beauty of meditation lies not solely in reaching a destination but in embracing the ongoing journey toward self-awareness and inner peace. Whether you are a novice or a seasoned practitioner, the path of meditation invites you to explore the depths of your own consciousness and find solace in the stillness of the present moment.

This article was written by writer Miranda Spears.