Dealing With Dental Anxiety At Your Next Appointment by Lizzie Weakley

(image: free image)

Dental anxiety is extremely common. If you’re one of those people, don’t worry—you’re not alone. There are a number of things you can do to ease your anxiety and make your dental appointment more comfortable. Here are five tips on how to not be nervous for your upcoming dental appointment.

Talk to Your Dentist

One of the best ways to ease your anxiety is to simply talk to your dentist, like those at Dentologie. They understand that dental anxiety is common, and they will be more than happy to work with you to make sure you’re comfortable during your appointment. Let them know what your concerns are and what you need to feel more relaxed. They may be able to offer you a numbing agent or sedation dentistry options to help you through your appointment.

Focus on Your Breathing

Another way to ease anxiety is to focus on your breathing. During your appointment, take deep, slow breaths in through your nose and out through your mouth. This will help you stay calm and relax your body.

Visualize a Relaxing Scene

If focusing on your breathing isn’t doing the trick, try visualizing a relaxing scene in your mind. It could be anything from lying on the beach to taking a walk in the park. Close your eyes and take yourself away to this peaceful place until your appointment is over.

Listen to Music or an Audiobook

Listening to music or an audiobook can also help take your mind off of what’s happening during your appointment and help you relax. Make sure to bring along headphones so you can completely tune out of what’s going on around you.

Give Yourself a Hand Massage

Finally, try giving yourself a hand massage during your appointment. This can help relieve some of the tension you may be feeling and make you feel more relaxed overall. Simply massage each finger with the thumb of the other hand, working from the base of the finger up toward the nailbeds.

Dental anxiety is extremely common, but there are a number of things you can do to ease your anxiety and make your dental appointment more comfortable. Simply talking to your dentist, focusing on your breathing, listening to music or an audiobook, or giving yourself a hand massage can all help reduce stress and make your next dental visit more enjoyable. Try one or all five of these techniques next time you have a dental appointment and see which ones work best for you!

This article was written by freelance writer Lizzie Weakley.

Small But Powerful Ways To Improve Your Mental Health.

Photo by Anastasiya Gepp

How many people do you think are currently struggling with their mental health and want to know how to improve it? The answer will probably surprise you; around a quarter of the population have a mental health disorder, and this can either be minor or something that needs serious medical attention. 

That’s a huge number, and it could be that you are one of these people. If that’s the case, it’s crucial to know what you can do to improve your mental health and ensure that you start to feel better. Of course, medication and therapy can be the ideal solutions in some cases, and it’s important to see a medical professional for help no matter what. However, if you can do as much as you can at home to help yourself, things will get a lot better.

Read on for some useful suggestions about some small but powerful ways to improve your mental health.

Take Mental Health Breaks Throughout The Day

If you’re feeling as though you’re struggling with your mental health on any given day, you should be able to take a mental health day. This means staying home and doing what you need to do to feel more positive. This will be down to you, but some people like to go for walks in nature, catch up on sleep, read a book, enjoy a spa day at home, and so much more. 

However, if you can’t take a whole day for any reason (although it’s wise to try if you can), taking a mental health break of anything from ten minutes to a couple of hours is the next best thing. When you are starting to feel overwhelmed, take some time for yourself. Not only can you protect your mental health in this way, but taking breaks when you’re busy can actually make you more productive rather than put you behind because when you get back to what you were doing, you are more focused and feeling healthier. 

Look For The Positives

As much as we all love technology, sometimes it serves as a negative force in our lives. Social media, 24-hour news feeds, online newspapers, and even channels like YouTube, can offer us a glimpse of the bad things that are happening around us, and when you have a mental health disorder, this can make things worse. Even if there are positive things happening, it can be hard to see them through all the negative things. 

However, in order to improve your mental health, it’s important to change things and ignore the negative to see the positive. The easiest way to do this to begin with is with your own life. Stop scrolling through social media if you know it upsets you and makes you angry, and instead focus on the good things all around you. That could be anything, no matter how small. Perhaps you notice a flower blooming. Your coffee might be delicious. Your little one might make you laugh now that you’ve seen ways to help your baby rollover. There are hundreds of tiny but important positive things happening all around you all the time. When you are feeling down, look for them. This will help to make you feel better, but it will also distract you from your feelings, and that will improve your mental health as well. 

Ask For Help When You Need It 

They say that communication is the cornerstone to a healthy relationship, and that is true not only with other people but also with yourself. If you trust your partner or a friend, it might help to talk about some of the problems you’re having and get those concerns out of your brain. This can help make things clearer. It’s important to keep the lines of communication open when you feel safe to do so. Emotional stress can sometimes make other problems worse in your relationships with your spouse and other people.

And if you feel like you can’t talk about your mental health, there are multiple types of therapeutic interventions that might help you work through some of the problems you’re having.

When you start to feel like you can’t handle day-to-day tasks or when you often think bad things about yourself or other people, it might be time to ask for help or talk to someone about what’s been going on.

Exercise Every Day

When you stay active and work out every day, your blood flow improves all over your body. With more oxygen in your body and more blood flow, you feel more energetic, fresh, and mentally alert.

If you work in an office, it’s even more important to exercise and do other physical things. Exercise not only keeps our bodies in good shape, but it also keeps our minds in good shape. You don’t have to pay a lot to join a gym to do that. A simple walk is all you need. The most important thing is to do this every day. 

Exercise is good for your mental health, but it also makes your bones and muscles stronger, which keeps you from getting hurt while working out or running errands. Since being injured can be a terrible thing for your mental health, exercise can help in this way too. 

Expose Yourself To Sunlight (Carefully)

A lack of vitamin D can lead to a number of mental health problems, like Seasonal Affective Disorder, or SAD. When you go outside in the sun, your body releases endorphins, which are also known as “happiness hormones.” These hormones make your brain work better.

So, take a break from your normal routine (which we already know is a good thing to do) and go outside. But make sure you wear sunscreen so you don’t get a sunburn.

Learn To Live In The Present 

When a person stays stuck in the past, they are more likely to have mood swings, depression, and anxiety. Negative self-talk like “Why did people do this to me?” steals a person’s happiness and makes them miss opportunities in the present. Try not to think too much about the future and learn to live in the present. By doing this, we can be much more prepared for anything that might happen in the future, so there is no need to worry about it.

This article was written by a freelance writer.

Non Traditional Therapeutic Services To Try For Anxiety by Brooke Chaplan.

(image: Monstera, Pexels)

If you’re struggling with anxiety, you may be looking for non-traditional therapeutic services to help you cope. Anxiety can be a debilitating condition, making it difficult to function in day-to-day life. While there are many traditional treatments available, such as medication and therapy, sometimes these aren’t enough. If you’re looking for something different, there are a few non-traditional therapeutic services you can try. 

Acupuncture Therapy 

One non-traditional service that has been shown to be effective for anxiety is acupuncture. Acupuncture is a form of traditional Chinese medicine that involves inserting thin needles into the skin at specific points on the body. This is said to help improve the flow of energy and promote healing. 

There is some scientific evidence to support the use of acupuncture for anxiety. A study published in the Journal of Alternative and Complementary Medicine found that acupuncture was effective in reducing anxiety symptoms in people with a generalized anxiety disorder (GAD). If you’re interested in trying acupuncture, be sure to find a qualified practitioner. It’s important that the needles are inserted correctly to avoid any complications. 

Additionally, if you are depressed, self harming or having self harm thoughts, this may not be an appropriate therapy for you at that time.

Virtual Reality Therapy 

Virtual reality (VR) therapy may be among the newest types to seriously consider. Professionals like AppliedVR are companies that specialize in providing virtual reality therapy for various conditions, including anxiety. Their approach is based on the theory that VR can help to desensitize people to their fears and phobias. 

Numerous studies published in the Journal of Cyberpsychology, Behaviour, and Social Networking found that VR exposure therapy was effective in reducing symptoms of a variety of anxiety types. While more research is needed, VR therapy shows promise as a treatment for anxiety and many other conditions. If you’ve tried a list of other treatments that haven’t helped, this could be an opportunity to try something innovative. 

Herbal Supplements 

Certain herbs have been used for centuries to help treat various health conditions including reducing anxiety. It may be worthwhile to meet with a local herbalist to see what is recommended for anxiety, and of course, consult with your doctor before taking any supplements. If you get the green light from your doctor, just be sure to buy quality supplements from a reputable source to avoid any adverse effects. 

While these are not the only non-traditional therapies you can turn to, they are some great ones to begin with. Finding ways to manage anxiety can be a challenge, but it’s important to keep trying different things until you find what works for you. Don’t give up hope and remember that there are many options available. 

This article was written by writer Brooke Chaplan.

Looking Out For The Wellbeing Of Elderly Parents From Far Away.

(image: Hasan Albari: Pexels)

Distance should never keep you from ensuring your elderly parent is safe and living a good life. This blog post will discuss some tips on how to look out for your elderly parent from far away. While you cannot be there with them every day, these tips will help you ensure they are living comfortably and safely.

1) Check in regularly

The first step to take is to ensure you are checking in with your parents regularly. This can be done via phone, text, email, or video chat. Ask them how they are doing and if they need anything. If possible, try to schedule regular check-ins, so you always have a set time to catch up.

In addition, it can be helpful to set up a check-in system with other family members or friends who live close to your parents. This way, if you are unable to check in for a period of time, someone else can check for you.

2) Stay updated on their health

As we age, our health can decline quickly. It is important to stay updated on your parent’s health so you can catch any problems early on. Make sure you know their current medications and dosages, as well as any allergies they may have.

You should also know their medical history, including any chronic conditions or surgeries they have had in the past. This information will be helpful if your parents need to see a doctor while you are not there.

3) Know their financial situation

It is also important to stay updated on your parent’s financial situation. This includes knowing how much money they have in the bank, as well as any debts they may have. If your parents are having trouble paying bills, you may need to step in and help out financially if you are able.

If your parents live in their own home, it is vital to help with home maintenance, if your parents need it. This can include tasks such as yard work, snow removal, and making repairs around the house. If your parents are unable to do these things themselves, you may need to hire someone to help out.

4) Consider a care home

If your parents are having difficulty taking care of themselves, you may want to consider a care home. Care homes can provide around-the-clock assistance with activities such as bathing, dressing, and eating. They can also help with medication management and provide transportation to doctor’s appointments. Of course, putting your parents in a care home is a big decision that should not be made lightly. You will need to weigh the pros and cons carefully before making a decision.

If you are concerned about their mental health as well, its important to raise any concerns with other family members and their doctor if appropriate.

5) Make sure they have an emergency plan

It is important to make sure your parents have an emergency plan in place in case something happens when you are not there. This plan should include a list of emergency contacts, as well as instructions for what to do in case of an emergency.

In conclusion, these are just a few tips on how to look out for your elderly parent from far away. While you cannot be there with them every day, these tips will help you ensure they are living comfortably and safely.

This article was written by a freelance writer.

How To Look After Your Mental Health At Every Stage Of Life.

(image: Yan Krukov: Pexels)

Mental health is something that we all need to think about when we go through life, as it is a major part of being well and healthy in general. If you are aware that you might need to improve your mental health considerably, one of the main things to be aware of is that it will change over your lifetime. In this post, we are going to discuss how you can look after your mental health at every stage of life, so that you can much more effectively hope to keep your mind strong and intact.

Being Aware Of Your Cycles

You probably have times in your life when your physical health is better than at other times. Well, the same is likely true for your mental health too, and it’s therefore important that you are as aware of these cycles as possible, because just being more aware of them is going to help you to take better care of your mind on the whole. Once you know and understand your own cycles a little better, you’ll find that it can really help a great deal, so that’s something that you should think about as early on as possible. You will also need to look at things that can support you such as medication, therapy and the basics of eating and sleeping well too.

Consider Your Stage In Life

However, mental health does also have different needs at different stages of your life, and it’s great to be in a place where you can appreciate this, and where you know that you can effectively help to keep your mental health as strong as possible. Depending on your age, you might need various different kinds of help, from retirement villages in your older years to private healthcare when you are younger. It’s all about making sure that you are considering your stage in life as well as you can.

Remember The Basics

All that being said, there are a number of basic approaches that you can and should always take if you are keen to make sure that your mental health is being looked after, and these are the kinds of things that will be relevant no matter what stage of life you might be in. For instance, it is always going to be a good idea to keep your physical health in place, and you will find that keeping active and having social connections helps a great deal too. All in all, it’s going to make a huge difference to your mental health at any time, so remember that as well as you can.

Practice Mindfulness

It’s also really wise to make sure that you are doing all you can to be as mindful as possible, because that is going to be important at any time. The more mindful you can be, the more effectively you are going to be able to take care of your mind, simply because you’ll have a better understanding of what’s actually going on in your mind at any time. So this is something that you should definitely make sure you are aware of as well. Your mental health is vital.

This article was written by a freelance writer.

How Does Your Mental Health Change As We Age?

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As you age, your body changes. This is easy to understand because we can see it clearly everytime we look in the mirror or feel it each time we get out of bed. If you wake up with aches and pains and you’re over a certain age, there’s a good chance a doctor will tell you it’s down to old age. But it’s not just the body that changes as you grow. Your mind does too. So, let’s explore some of the ways that your mental health is impacted.

Memory Trouble 

As you age, you may notice that you start to forget things or get confused with certain information. This is completely normal and happens to most people as they get older. Unfortunately, for some, it can lead to something a little more serious such Alzeihmer’s. If your family has noticed that you have been forgetting a lot more lately then it may be time to make an appointment with your doctor to chat about your memory. 

If you stay active, both physically and mentally as you age then you are less likely to suffer the effects of cognitive decline. It is thought that once you retire and your daily activities diminish then your brain can start to decline a bit from there. It is up to you to keep it active by training it on a daily basis. You can do this through the use of word and number puzzles, crosswords and sudoku for instance. 

Few Headaches 

It’s not all bad news as you age for your mental health. There are some benefits. For instance, you may find that you experience less headaches as you get older. Various research suggests that older people are less likely to develop headaches compared to those who are younger. The headaches you experience as you age could also be less severe compared to the ones that you were originally used to as well. 

If you do notice changes in the patterns of your headaches or they become severe suddenly however, this can be a sign of a more significant issue. As such, you should consider speaking to a doctor. 


Depression can be common in the elderly population. This can be due to a variety of issues. For instance, it may be caused by the isolation that can come with old age. This is particularly problematic for those with a mobility issue that stops them from getting out and socialising on a regular basis. That’s why aged care can be essential to ensure the right quality of life. Depression can also be more common in those with hearing issues because they will struggle to converse and interact or engage with those around them.


People often assume dementia is one condition but this isn’t the case. In reality, dementia is an umbrella term which is used to describe a set of conditions. Indeed, there are over one hundred different types of dementia and that’s why it’s important that if you do notice the signs that you get a diagnosis as quickly as you can. 

While it can’t be cured, the right treatment can slow down the progression of the condition, providing a better quality of life overall. Beyond memory issues there are other signs of dementia too including significant changes in personality and behaviour.

This article was written by a freelance writer.

Stuck in a Rut? Try These 4 Things by Dixie Somers

(image: Lina Trochez, Unsplash)

It’s not uncommon to find yourself feeling as if you’re stuck in a rut, especially if you haven’t made any major changes in your life in a while. Right now, it might not feel like there is anything you can do to get yourself out. However, trying one or more of these things might just help you start pulling yourself in a more positive direction. 

Go Back to School (College/Uni)

You might have never seriously considered going back to school. However, it could be just what you need to do in order to pull yourself out of a rut. For example, if you always wished that you could earn a degree but never did so, you might find that going back to school and earning your degree will help you change your life for the better. 

Look for a Better Job 

One of the reasons why you might feel as if you’re stuck in a rut could be because your current job is not right for you. You might not be making enough money with your current job, or you simply might dread going to work every day because you don’t like what you do for a living. Whether you look into securing a promotion at your existing job so you can make more money and feel more professionally fulfilled, or if you look for a completely different job in a completely different industry, this could just be the major change that it’s time for you to make. 

Go to Therapy 

Going to therapy, whether individual therapy or group therapy, could prove to be the right choice for you. You’ll get a chance to talk to people who aren’t biased and who won’t judge you. They might help you think about things differently so you can figure out what you need to do to get out of your rut. A good therapy group will be understanding, dependable, and safe for you to turn to. 

Make Changes to Your Home 

Having a nice, comfortable home is very important to your overall happiness. Consider sprucing up your home with new decorations or making other similar changes. Then, you might just find that you are more comfortable at home than ever, and you might come up with new projects for the home and elsewhere that might help you get out of your rut. 

If you feel like you’re stuck in a rut right now, you shouldn’t give up on the idea of taking things in a more positive direction. Instead, try these options, and you might find that they will help. 

This article was written by freelance writer Dixie Somers, who is based in the USA.

How to Address Issues Harming Your Mental Health.

(image: Unsplash)

It is so important to look after your mental health. Many people struggle with their mental health and with illness that feels beyond their control and often they will need medication or therapy to help them. However, there can be other issues that need to be addressed if they are harming your mental health.

Learning to appreciate the issues that you may have overlooked is the first step to success. If any of the following are relevant to you, address them ASAP. you should find that your mental health reaches a far more stable place.

Untreated PTSD

If you have tried fixing a mental health issue without getting to the root cause, the benefits will be restricted. So, finding the right PTSD therapies that get to the bottom of poor mental health could be the greatest decision you make. It will provide significant direct rewards. Working with a therapist and understanding your personal situation is essential if you want to improve it.

Almost everyone has experienced at least one traumatic experience. So, it’s could be likely that mental health issues you experience will have PTSD, or a similar issue, linked to them.

Worries Behind The Wheel

The knowledge that you are in a potentially vulnerable position can be the biggest cause of anxiety. A car that has experienced problems or required frequent trips to the garage could be causing anxiety if you rely on it to get to work and travel independently. There may also be finanical worries for you.. A professional service like Edmunds can help you appraise your current car and upgrade to a better model. This could make you feel more comfortable and reduce anxiety.

Financial Worries

Money problems are the most common source of stress. So, it could be the underlying reason why your mental health continues to hit hurdles. While there is no magic spell to suddenly make the problems fade, you can at least feel a weight is lifting from your shoulders. Good organisational skills are the key. Learn to trim the fat from your ongoing expenses, and you’ll see a big impact.

Not Enough Daylight

Spending more time outside in the fresh air can work wonders for your physical and mental wellness. Experts like Raleigh Bikes can help you find a new hobby that encourages more time outside. The fitness benefits are also supported by enjoying improved air quality. As well as vitamin D, serotonin, and experiencing life. It’s an issue that many people struggle with. Thankfully, you no longer need to!

It’s especially important in the colder months when it gets darker to try and get some exercise to help your wellbeing.

The Wrong Network

Your support network can have an impact on your life, in relation to your mental health. The right people will build you up and guide you through tough times without leading you to poor decisions. Sadly, the wrong friends cause you to make regrettable choices. Likewise, they may pressure you to support them, potentially financially. This could drag you down even when you’re in a good place.

So make sure you look after each aspect of your life and self care, in order to improve your health and overall wellbeing.

This article was written by a freelance writer.

4 Ways EMDR Therapy Can Help You Cope With Anxiety by Rachelle Wilber

(image: Unsplash)

Mental health issues are very common and you may be dealing with anxiety and depression or past traumas. Whether you are worried about your finances, family problems, or other issues, anxiety can sometimes feel overwhelming. To cope with this, more people are turning to EMDR (Eye movement desensitisation and processing) therapy and getting surprisingly effective results. If you are searching for answers as to how to deal with anxiety, here are four ways EMDR therapy may help.

Verbalise Less About Trauma

If you are a person who does not like to talk about your anxiety, EMDR can be very beneficial in that it does not rely on you having to talk about painful memories or situations. Instead, it lets you use your imagination to focus instead on happier thoughts and feelings, helping to reduce your anxiety- although you will have to face your fears at the right time too, in order to heal.

Reduces Physical Problems

When you feel anxious and depressed, your body suffers as much as your mind. As a result, you may find yourself experiencing stomach cramps, headaches, a rapid heartbeat, and other similar problems. EMDR therapy has been shown to provide relief from what are known as somatic symptoms. When used regularly, these symptoms are greatly reduced or eliminated, helping to ease your mind even more.

Helps You Regain Control

When you are anxious, you generally feel as if you have no control over your situation. EMDR therapy changes that by helping you regain control of your emotions. To do so, it reduces the intensity associated with negative emotions and past trauma, and also helps lessen the intensity of any negative or disturbing images you may be replaying over and over in your mind.

Improves Processing of Information

EMDR therapy helps you improve how your brain processes information related to traumatic events. Instead of talking about the events that trigger your anxiety over and over, you instead are encouraged to use your imagination to process your thoughts, feelings, sensations, and emotions. By doing so, your therapist can help you create a mindset that is more tranquil, calmer and less stressful to you. It can take time to heal from trauma and to process it, so you will need to stick with the sessions to get the full benefits.

Rather than let anxiety rule your life day after day, consider speaking to a therapist about how EMDR therapy may be beneficial to your life.

This article was written by writer Rachelle Wilber.