‘Arabella And The Worry Cloud’ Book Cover Reveal!

(image: Arabella and the Worry Cloud by Shelley the Artist and Eleanor Segall)

Shelley the Artist and I are proud to reveal the cover to our first children’s book written by me, ‘Arabella and the Worry Cloud’.

Arabella is a little girl with lots of worries, represented by the Worry Cloud who comes to see her, taunts her and threatens to rain on her.

Can Arabella with the help of happy thoughts of her family and trusted cat Pickles push the Worry Cloud away? Or will he stay and rain on her forever as her worries grow?

As a little girl myself, I had lots of worries which led to anxiety and panic. Through our book, we aim to help children aged 5-7ish to process their emotions around worry, to talk about anxiety and to try and replace them with positive thoughts.

The book has beautiful illustrations by Shelley the Artist and we can’t wait to share the link to buy it as soon as its live! We will have an ebook and paperback version.

Thank you for all the support,

Eleanor x

New Children’s Picture Book Announcement and 8 Year Blog Anniversary

(image: Good Housekeeping)

Hi everyone,

I have been quite quiet on here for a while but in the background, I have been working on my NEW self-published children’s picture book. I can exclusively tell you it is called ‘Arabella and the Worry Cloud‘ and will be illustrated by acclaimed artist (and good friend) Shelley Levy.

Here is our journey with Arabella…

In 2019, shortly after my book Bring me to Light was published, I wrote a short story that came into my mind about a little girl called Arabella (aged around 6/7) who had anxiety about lots of things in her life- her homework, her cat dying for example. Arabella is followed around by the Worry Cloud, a cloud who represents all her negative thoughts and worries, who threatens to rain on her. Can Arabella learn how to be ready for the Worry Cloud and replace him with positive and happy thoughts?

As a little girl, I struggled with anxiety. Some of my earliest memories are of being sick in the school lunch room aged 4 every day because I had bad separation anxiety and didn’t want to be around the bigger children. When I was about 7, I was also bullied at school and Sunday school (I was a very sensitive child) and this caused me to panic and not want to attend Sunday school so I was home schooled for a bit. I always have been a worrier. Then aged 15, anxiety reared its head again and I was diagnosed with bipolar as part of a depressive episode. I have lived with worry and anxiety most of my life…and I was born in the 80s and grew up in the 90s, where it was less understood. Though my family were amazing at supporting me.

My aim through writing Arabella is to help children to process their feelings and emotions around anxiety and to help them feel less alone. I hope that this book can be used in classrooms and therapy clinics to help children struggling with anxiety. It is for 5-7 year olds and explains Arabella’s journey with anxiety through the metaphor of finding the light in the dark storm.

The illustrator of Arabella and the Worry Cloud is my good friend, Shelley Levy. Shelley is an incredible artist and she has drawn the illustrations on her Ipad, using software. My vision to Shelley was to use old fashioned illustration, while making it contemporary and she has truly delivered and brought my characters to life. We can’t wait to show you the finished book once it has been formatted and printed and ready for sale! I am self publishing as I had sent it to various publishers including Welbeck and Pan Macmillan but for various reasons, they couldn’t publish it. However, I truly believe in the story and luckily so do others too 🙂

The sign

I knew Shelley was the right person to illustrate my book (she had given us a painting a a wedding gift) and was so thrilled she has come on board. I asked the Universe for a sign. Shelley is a friend of my dad Mike and they had gone to the theatre. At this time, I had put feelers out to Shelley, that I would like her to illustrate the book. A group of school children were sitting in front of them. They asked one of the girls their name and the girl said ‘Arabella‘. I got tingles hearing this as I had asked for a sign and had already written the title of the book (and Shelley was there)! Also, my late Grandpa Harry kept saying before he passed away in 2021, that I should write a children’s book and be the next Enid Blyton (I wish!).

8 Year Blog Anniversary

As well as this exciting project, this blog turned 8 years old on the 1st March and I just want to thank all of you for sticking with me for this long and to every single writer who has written for Be Ur Own Light this year March 23-24. Too many to list all of you but we have covered so many mental health topics and I’m so proud of all we continue to achieve together, to spread important high quality content about mental health.

There will be more about Arabella and the Worry Cloud coming soon, including images- we hope to sell it on Amazon!

Thanks for all the love and ongoing support,

