Tap Your Worries Away – How EFT Therapy (Emotional Freedom Technique) Changed My Life by Dominika Kalinowska

(image: Jared Rice, Unsplash)

I’m Dominika Kalinowska, and I’ve been battling anxiety for a good chunk of my life, especially during my university days in the UK. Little did I know, anxiety would become my constant companion.

It started with those occasional anxious moments in my younger years, but once university hit, it ramped up. I was juggling studies, part-time work, and adapting to a new country. Stress became my middle name, and it took a toll on both my mind and body.

I tried all the usual stuff—meditation, yoga, positive affirmations—but nothing seemed to stick. My body rebelled with heart palpitations, vertigo, and all sorts of nasty symptoms. I withdrew from social life, fearing the physical fallout of pushing myself too hard.

But here’s the thing: once I stopped fighting my anxiety and accepted it for what it was, things started to change. I stumbled upon something called EFT therapy, or tapping therapy. It’s this great practice where you tap on specific points of your body while talking about how you feel.

I know, it sounds a bit out there, but trust me, it works. With each tap, I felt a little lighter, a little freer. It was like I was finally giving myself permission to feel my emotions without judgment. And that made all the difference.

So, what exactly is EFT therapy? Well, it’s a blend of ancient Chinese acupressure and modern psychology. Sounds fancy, right? But it’s actually pretty simple. With EFT, you tap on specific meridian points on your body while focusing on the issue you want to address.

Here’s how it typically goes down: you identify a problem—whether it’s anxiety, stress, pain, or anything else that’s bothering you—and then you start tapping. As you tap, you also say out loud how you’re feeling and what you’d like to feel instead.

It’s like giving yourself permission to acknowledge your emotions and then letting them go. And let me tell you, it’s incredibly freeing. I first heard about EFT therapy during my search for healing anxiety. Traditional methods weren’t cutting it for me, so I figured, why not give tapping a try? And boy, am I glad I did. With each tap, I felt a little lighter, a little more in control of my emotions.

But here’s the thing: EFT therapy isn’t just about tapping away your troubles. It’s also about reprogramming your brain. By combining tapping with positive affirmations, you’re essentially rewiring your brain to think more positively.

And the best part? You can do it anytime, anywhere. No fancy equipment or expensive therapy sessions required. All you need is your hands and a willingness to give it a shot.

I’m not saying EFT therapy is a magic cure-all. It’s just one tool in the toolbox for managing your emotions. But for many—including myself—it’s been a lifesaver.

Now, as a psychologist and hypnotherapist, I’m all about spreading the word on EFT therapy. And if it worked for me, it can work for you too.

So, if anxieties got you in its grip, don’t be afraid to reach out for help. Whether it’s therapy, meditation, or a good old-fashioned chat with a friend, there’s support out there. You’re not alone in this journey, and there’s no shame in asking for a helping hand.

With love,


Dominika Kalinowska is a psychologist, psychotherapist and hypnotherapist who has benefited personally from EFT therapy.