I am doing the One Million Step Challenge (500,000 steps) for Diabetes UK!

This is scary but here goes! This summer, I’m stepping up for Diabetes UK in their Step Challenge (I will be aiming to do 500,000 steps between my birthday 1st July and September).🤣🥰

I am doing this challenge to not only support the 5 million people in the UK who live with diabetes (including my dad Mike) but also to get fit, healthy and lose weight after being diagnosed with polycystic ovarian syndrome (pcos) last year. With pcos there is a future risk for diabetes as well as fertility challenges- I’m not diabetic currently and want to get healthier.

Those who know me well know this is a big deal for me as I am not a gym goer! I will be aiming to do 5000 steps a day starting on my 36th birthday 1st July- through to 30th September to total 500,000 steps which is one of the challenges.

Please sponsor me if you can afford to fund life saving treatments/research into diabetes and get me off the couch so I am healthier too!

Click sponsor me in previous sentence to donate or learn more!

Thank you; Eleanor xx


PCOS, Mental Health and Adulting.

Some of you will know that I have been really quiet on this blog for a long time about certain aspects of my life.

Being mid thirties and married, I often get asked, ‘Do you have any children?’ or ‘How many kids do you have?’.

I often explain that I don’t have kids yet but I have 2 fur babies, my guineapigs Midnight and Nutmeg.

The truth is I have wanted to be a Mum since I was a young girl. Ive had lists of baby names since I was age 12. If it was up to me, I would be a mother already. Mothering is a huge part of my heart and soul. I am blessed to be an auntie, which is incredibly special.

This summer, after various symptoms including weight gain, irregular periods and a scan revealing ovarian cysts, I was diagnosed with PCOS (Polycystic ovarian syndrome). This syndrome can cause irregular periods, irregular ovulation and sometimes infertility as a result. It is a hormonal condition where your body produces too many androgens (male hormone) and its very common.

I got the diagnosis one month before I turned 35, in June this year. Why is this significant? Some will know that 35 is seen for some as a cut off point, when your eggs either start to decline or reduce in amount. There is also a greater risk as you get older for certain things like miscarriage and disabilities in the foetus. Being overweight as well with the PCOS (and other bipolar medication) means that the PCOS is worsened and my period cycle is not normal. I need to lose the weight, to help my fertility too.

I called my book ‘Bring me to Light’ because I had come to a place of light after darkness. I didn’t know a new challenge would be coming my way.

So- I have started to take supplements to help me ovulate more regularly and get my body ready (myo-inositol and folic acid, vitamin d, fish oils with omega 3). I am also trying to lose some weight and gain better health and regular ovulation, through regular exercise. Recently, I have signed up with a nutritionist and I am in process of changing my diet so less carbs, less sugar. Soon, I may need to speak to my GP to get further intervention re making sure I am regularly ovulating, but until then, I am trying to overhaul things.

This isn’t easy. I crave sugar. I crave chocolate. I love pasta. I love fruit juice. I can’t completely cut them out yet to help my health conditions but I will get there in time (reduction is key).

My nutritionist has highlighted to me that when you have raised cortisol (stress hormone) levels, your body finds it holds on to weight. I am doing a lot better with my PTSD panic attacks but when they do happen I get raised cortisol. I also take heavy medications and my metabolism is affected too.

I have been coming to terms with so much. I know one day soon, I will be a Mum and Rob and I will be parents. Its just going to take a little longer.

Just wanted to say a big shout out to all friends who have supported me with this, especially those on instagram going through their own struggles too. You have held my hand, comforted me and helped to wipe my tears. My therapist has been helpful too- and our faith and prayers keeps us going.

Being an adult really is hard and this will be an ongoing journey. People have worse things than me too, but as someone once told me, we are not given more than we can handle….

With love,

Ellie x