Does Drinking Weaken Your Immune System? by Maya

(image: Yuri Efremov, Unsplash)

Your immune system is what your body has to help you fight off infectious diseases and other illnesses you might contract. Everyone has an immune system, but if you get older or have certain conditions, that system is weakened. That can be a problem if you contract something harmful.

There are several dangers of alcohol addiction of which you might be aware, but most people don’t think about their immune systems when they realise they have a drinking problem. Let’s talk for a moment about how the two things can be related.

Is It Possible to Weaken Your Immune System Through Alcohol Use?

The answer to whether alcohol use can weaken your immune system is a resounding yes. There is now a great deal of anecdotal and empirical evidence that suggests you can more easily contract many different viruses and diseases if you ingest alcohol often.

It’s also worth mentioning that the more you drink, the more likely it is that your immune system will be damaged. You may be able to avoid this issue for a while. However, if you start drinking steadily as you settle into the rhythms of alcoholism, this is one of the health risks that you begin to take on. 

Can Your Immune System Recover Once You’ve Damaged It?

It’s possible for your immune system to recover to some degree if you’ve damaged it. This is true if you’re a regular drinker, a smoker, a user of other recreational drugs, and in most other cases, as well.

If you have been a long-term addict, then you have probably done damage to your immune system. That doesn’t mean you should give up if you’re in the throes of addiction, though.

What is the Best Way to Prevent This Problem?

The best way to prevent damaging your immune system through excessive alcohol use is to either cut back or stop drinking altogether. If you are not able to cut back then at least you can take steps to minimise or control your drinking.

The other thing you can do is to start monitoring other ways that you’re living. That translates to exercising more, eating a healthy, well-balanced diet, keeping yourself at the optimal weight, and getting a good amount of sleep every night.

It is also important to reach for help and support from rehab clinics, psychiatrists/counsellors and your GP. Support is out there for you. if you are struggling with addiction.

This article was written by Maya.

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