About Integrative And Psychodynamic Counselling : by John Graham.

(image: Shea Rouda: Unsplash)

Psychotherapy is critical to the mental well-being of many. While there is little doubt that psychotherapy is effective, like any other process it must follow a systematic pattern to be successful. There are several stages in this process and understanding them makes any kind of therapy session more beneficial for the counsellor and the person in counselling.

Several major steps need to be undertaken for the cycle of dynamic counselling to become a transformative journey of self-discovery and healing for the participant. The first step is assessment. This is where the counsellor finds out as much as possible about the client. After this rapport will be built to create a safe and trusting relationship between the counsellor and the client. 

Exploration of patterns that may be causing specific behaviors based on past experiences is then done and an interpretation is given. The process also involves a therapeutic change in which the client makes strides toward experiencing personal growth.

There are several other stages that the client may go through which can see them projecting feelings onto their therapist and refusing to accept responsibility. All of these are coping mechanisms that must be worked through during counselling.

During psychodynamic counseling, the counselor will seek to go deeper with the patient so that they can identify traumatic experiences from their childhood and any past unconscious conflicts they have hidden that are impacting their lives today.

If you are looking to learn more about psychodynamic counselling and get an in-depth look at all the stages involved.

Infographic Design By “Unlock Your Inner Oasis with John Graham”

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