‘Arabella And The Worry Cloud’ Book Cover Reveal!

(image: Arabella and the Worry Cloud by Shelley the Artist and Eleanor Segall)

Shelley the Artist and I are proud to reveal the cover to our first children’s book written by me, ‘Arabella and the Worry Cloud’.

Arabella is a little girl with lots of worries, represented by the Worry Cloud who comes to see her, taunts her and threatens to rain on her.

Can Arabella with the help of happy thoughts of her family and trusted cat Pickles push the Worry Cloud away? Or will he stay and rain on her forever as her worries grow?

As a little girl myself, I had lots of worries which led to anxiety and panic. Through our book, we aim to help children aged 5-7ish to process their emotions around worry, to talk about anxiety and to try and replace them with positive thoughts.

The book has beautiful illustrations by Shelley the Artist and we can’t wait to share the link to buy it as soon as its live! We will have an ebook and paperback version.

Thank you for all the support,

Eleanor x

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