Teaching Resilience to Teen Girls in a Challenging World by Dr Hannah Yang.

(image: Yin Ge: Unsplash)

Today’s teen girls are growing up in a time that’s very different from when their parents and grandparents were young. They’re surrounded by new technology and social media that consistently exposes them to unrealistic beauty standards, cyberbullying and constant comparison to others.

This is why it’s so important for educators and parents to teach teen girls resilience – the ability to cope with challenges, bounce back from failures, and develop a strong sense of self-worth. This will then boost their mental health.

Challenges Encountered by Teenage Girls During Adolescence

The path to adulthood for adolescent girls is often lined with various challenges that significantly influence their development. While each girl’s experience is unique, there are some common struggles they frequently encounter:

Regular Use of Social Media

Building connections with family and friends is crucial for individuals of all ages. Social media has revolutionised the way we maintain these relationships, particularly over great distances. However, this constant online presence has a downside.

Many teenagers find themselves grappling with the pressure to maintain a certain persona on these platforms. Influenced by the glorified lives of young celebrities and popular influencers, as well as the need to keep pace with peers, this pressure can take a toll on their self-esteem and lead to a skewed perception of themselves.

Expectations From Friends and Family

The role of education in developing an individual’s skillset is undeniable. However, the stress of excelling academically, often influenced by lofty expectations within the family, can create significant strain on teenagers’ mental health. Comparing themselves to their peers, parents, or siblings sets high standards that can be challenging to meet.

If academic pressures aren’t managed well, they can harm a teenager’s self-esteem, particularly when they don’t meet their own expectations. It’s important for teenage girls to realise that their worth and intellect aren’t just measured by their grades or school performance.

Unhealthy Desires to Fit In

Despite the current portrayal of young online influencers as champions of self-expression, the struggle to conform to their ideals can be a significant issue for many teenage girls. Being part of a social circle can offer comfort and a feeling of belonging, which is often an essential aspect of their growth.

However, this pursuit of fitting in can lead girls to sacrifice their own beliefs and values. This may take various forms, such as changing their appearance significantly or adopting harmful eating habits, all in an effort to gain acceptance within a particular social group of peers.

The Importance of Resilience in Overcoming Challenges

Adolescent girls often draw strength from their relationships with friends and family. However, they frequently confront some of their toughest challenges when by themselves. This underscores the importance of resilience, giving them the ability to respond or recover from difficult situations.

Resilience goes beyond simply picking yourself up after setbacks. It encourages learning from these experiences and using them to build character, ultimately coming out stronger from going through various challenges in life.

Overcoming Personal Setbacks

In their formative years, young women often encounter various personal hurdles, including dealing with rejection, managing failures, or going through traumatic life events. If they don’t have strong coping mechanisms, these challenges can have lasting effects, shaping their self-confidence and future relationships.

Developing resilience equips these young women with the necessary skills to confront and overcome these challenging moments, growing stronger and more self-assured.

Learning From Success and Failure

Learning from life’s challenges doesn’t need to be a solo journey. Engaging with a mentor or participating in a support group can offer young girls new insights and different perspectives they might not have considered alone.

In situations that are more complicated, consulting with professionals in settings such as anxiety therapy or trauma therapy can provide a secure space for teens to work through their experiences effectively. These forms of support can also help young women build self-awareness of how their experiences may be having a lasting impact on their mental health while also discovering helpful coping mechanisms.

Improving Decision Making

Young individuals often possess a feeling of invulnerability and belief that they have all the answers. This combination of perceived invincibility and limited experience can result in hasty, impromptu choices, some with lasting impacts.

Teen girls who focus on building their resilience are more inclined to consider the long-term implications of their actions. They become experienced at evaluating the advantages and disadvantages beforehand, leading to wiser choices and avoiding potential mistakes.

Begin Cultivating Resilience Today

Developing resilience isn’t a one-off task – it’s an ongoing journey that demands persistence and dedication. By actively engaging in resilience-building activities and learning from both their successes and setbacks, young girls can cultivate effective coping mechanisms that will benefit them throughout their lives and help their mental health.

This article was written by Dr. Hannah Yang.

Visionary and healthcare entrepreneur by passion, Licensed Psychologist by training, Dr. Hannah Yang loves creating new possibilities in the world of mental health and wellness. Dr. Yang established Balanced Awakening in 2015 as a niche psychotherapy practice for women. As Balanced Awakening flourishes in Chicago, and soon Miami, she also loves to tap into her passion for design and Feng Shui to create fabulous environments for herself, her team, and clients.

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