The Subtle Joys Of Escaping City Life And Returning To Nature.

(Image: Simon Godfrey, Unsplash)

Getting out of the city and returning to nature is one of the best ways to improve your mental health – at least, for some people. However, it is also one of the least-discussed options on blogs and by the medical community. There’s an assumption that where you live has little effect on how you feel, but that couldn’t be further from the truth. 

Theories about why cities are so damaging to mental health vary. However, some researchers believe that it stems from a so-called evolutionary mismatch. We evolved in nature, yet cities present us with a radically different environment that changes how we feel by exposing us to excessive light, busyness, and people. 

Here are some of the subtle joys of escaping city life and returning to nature: 


Returning to nature or living a simpler life in a smaller community can give you a sense of simplicity and quietness. It gives you time apart from the endless hustle and bustle of urban life, providing your mind with a break from all the stimulation.

Nature doesn’t rush to do anything, yet harmony and perfection are achieved. As a part of that process, getting away from the city can remind you that you too are a vessel of perfection. 


Phoning your conveyancing solicitors and getting them to help you move to a more natural setting can enhance your sense of belonging. Living in a city sometimes makes you feel like you’re an alien visiting from another world, whereas living in nature gives you a sense that you’re going along with everything else, making you feel more connected. 

New Perspectives

Getting out of the city also gives you new perspectives. The bright lights and fast pace disappear, replaced by bucolic scenes and people quietly going about their traditional lives. 

This shift can have a profound effect on your sense of joy immediately. Many people instantly feel happier the moment they move, getting out of the city, and having more space to enjoy their lives and pursue outdoor activities. 

(image: David Stratton, Unsplash)

Personal Growth And Reflection

Getting out of the city also gives you the space you need to grow and reflect on your life. You have the physical and mental space to do more inner work, concentrating on what makes you tick instead of constantly striving to fulfil others’ needs. 

This “quiet time” is something that can also give you new perspectives and help you feel more fulfilled. It gives you the impetus to try fresh and new things in your life, enabling you to experiment and find purpose and meaning where perhaps it might be lacking with a conventional city-based life. 

The Improved Environment

Finally, getting out of the city introduces you to a better environment. While the built-up world can be architecturally stunning, it isn’t always what our bodies and minds need. You can avoid breathing in exhaust fumes linked to brain inflammation and instead, enjoy the clear air every morning. You can also escape the constant din of police sirens and honking horns for a more natural noise environment.

Remember that being in nature, as part of other forms of help, can improve mental health and relaxation. Reach out to your GP or therapist for support too.

This article was written by a freelance writer.

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